First task of the day is to take stock in the components bin.
My 200-in-1 electronics kit has a few possibly useful bits
- 4k:4k transformer
- 900:8 transformer
- Quad nand
- Dual JK Flip-flop
- 7 seg LED
- 2 NPN
- 2 PNP
- level meter analogue
- 9v controlled relay - controls 24V DC @ 10A or 12A @ 120V AC or 10A @ 220V DC
- AT Mega 16L - 0633J
- AT Mega 8515L - 0633
- 5 x AT TINY13 - datasheet
- STK500 AVR programmer
- NXP LPC11U24
- NXP LPC1768
- mbed breakout board (unpopulated)
- LIS3LV02DQ Breakout - 3 axis sensor
- MPU-6050 3 axis & gyro sensor
- Samsung E700 camera with breakout
- HMC5883L - Triple Axis Magnetometer Breakout
- LV Max Sonar EZ1
- 5 x LM35 precision temp sensor
- 20 x 3mm photo transistors NPN
- 2 x minature microphones
- SN7415N 4-16 decoder / multiplexer - datasheet
- 4 x L293D push pull four channel driver for motors - datasheet
- 4n25 - optocoupler
- Nokia 6100 LCD colour breakout
- 2 x TEC1 - 12709 peltier
- 12V solenoid
- 50ish superbright white LEDs
- 9 x 3mm red LEDs
- 4x BC547B - NPN transistor
- 2x BC548B - NPN transistor
- 1x BC549C transistor
- 2k trim pot
- 2 x 5v zener diode
- TIP127 linear switching darlington PNP transistor
- Less than 50 100nF caps (43 i think)
- 1x 50v 4.7 uF electrolytic cap
- plenty of resistors, descriptions to follow